Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Unit 9 Reflection

    This unit was about the classification and evolutionary relationships between different organisms. We learned about how scientists classified things into different categories, such as taxonomic levels (domain, kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species). The classification system changed from a five kingdom system into a three domain system after scientists discovered the Archaea. The kingdoms of Animalia, Plantae, Fungi, and Protista were combined together and put under the domain of Eukarya. We also learned about bacteria, which could be classified as gram-positive or gram-negative, based on the peptidoglycan. We learned how different bacteria helped in different circumstances. Viruses are non-living organisms. They infect their host cell and go through lytic or lysogenic infections. Fungi are heterotrophs. They contain a hyphae, mycellium, fruiting body, and spores. They can be classified as sac fungi, bread molds, club fungi, and so on. We learned about different ways to classify plants. They could be classified as bryophytes, pterophytes, gymnosperms, or angiosperms, based on whether they had a vascular system, seeds, and/ or flowers. Then, we spent multiple vodcasts talking about animals. There were invertebrates, such as the porifera and platyhelminthes, which existed before vertebrates. Then there were arthropods, which included insects, crustacea, and echinoderms. Next, there were chordates, which included agnatha, jawed fish, and amphibians. Besides those chordates, there were also ones with amniotic sacs, including reptiles, birds, and mammals.We learned about how to find the differences between the all of the organisms.

    Besides the vodcasts, we watched a video can "Your Inner Fish," which talked about how we were related to fish. We also did a Geologic Timeline Project, and worked some more on the 20 Time Project.
    I would like to learn more about how birds transformed into dinosaurs, because I find that kind of fascinating. I wonder about how scientists decided to categorize all the organisms based on this way.
    I feel like What on Earth Evolved Presentation went fairly well. But I did not prepare very much, so I had to rely on looking at the slides during the presentation. Besides that, the presentation went fine, although I do not like doing those types of presentations very much. From this experience, I can learn that I should prepare more before I present.

1 comment:

  1. Just to clarify: Birds didn't transform into dinosaurs. They evolved FROM dinosaurs. You should research it more. It's pretty interesting!
