Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Pig Dissection Reflection

    I think the purpose of this lab is to learn about the anatomy of a pig in a hands-on experience. Another purpose was to reinforce the understanding of the different systems of the body, such as the circulatory and digestive systems. We used a pi because the anatomy of a pig is quite similar to the anatomy of a human. This dissection showed the different organs and systems that we learned about in this unit. My favorite part of the dissection is when we cut open the heart. This is because we could see all the different chambers of the heart and the path that the blood flowed through. But I was kind of disappointed, as not much of the red and blue coloring got into the heart. This dissection was a very valuable experience because it was the first time I did a dissection of a complete organism. In previous times, I only did parts of an organism, such as a chicken wing. It also gave me a visual representation of what the inside of the body looks like.

Here is the video of our dissection tutorial:


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