Friday, April 7, 2017

Unit 8 Reflection

Include 2 photos/videos

    This unit was about evolution. We learned about Darwin and what he did with evolution. He sailed around the world in his H.M.S. Beagle and discovered many interesting things, such as finches with many different types of characteristics on the Galapagos Islands. He found that populations, and not individuals, evolved through natural selection. This was when a group of organisms with variation have different levels of fitness, making the more fit organisms more able to survive and reproduce, changing the gene pool of the population. There also can be gene flow, changing the gene pool through ways such as immigration and emigration. Also, we learned about different types of evolution, such as directional selection (ex: Hunger Games Lab) where organisms evolved towards one direction, stabilizing selection where organisms evolved toward the middle, and disruptive selection where organisms evolved toward the two extremes. Artificial selection was the results when humans chose the traits they wanted. We studied different causes of speciation, including behavioral isolation where two species had different behaviors, geographic isolation where two species where separated by a geographic feature, and temporal isolation, where two species have different times for mating. We also discovered different ways of how we could tell that organisms descended from a common ancestor. These ways included embryology, where scientists found that many species with common ancestors had similar embryos. Another way to tell ancestry was vestigial structures, structures used by the ancestors of certain species but not used by the current species. Fossils were also used to show how organisms evolved throughout the years.
Different types of selection
    I would like to learn more about how life began to exist. I have an unanswered question of how Darwin actually noticed that all the birds from the Galapagos Islands were related finches, and that they came from the South American mainland. I wonder about what would happen if a lot of the penguin population turned into black penguins.
Black Penguin
    Since the Unit 7 Reflection, I have said what I wanted more and had more eye contact in my conversations, to be more assertive. To be even more assertive, I need to stand up straighter and "fake it 'till I make it."

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