Thursday, December 15, 2016

Unit 5 Reflection

    This unit was about DNA, replication, protein synthesis, and mutations. We learned how DNA is made of a nitrogenous base, a phosphate group, and a sugar, as well as other details about the structure of DNA. In replication, DNA is split into two strands. Each of those two strands are used as templates for making the new DNA strands. Proteins are made when DNA goes through transcription and translation. There are many different types of mutations, including insertion, deletion, and substitution. One of my strengths were understanding the concepts taught. I also worked with my current group better. One setback was that I did not follow the directions for making the DNA correctly, so it turned into a "slide". I'd like to learn more about gene expression and regulation. I wonder about how it is amazing that processes happen quickly in the cell.
     I have grown as a student, as I learned how to cooperate with my peers better. I participate more with group discussions. I also learned how to focus better when studying. Mr. Orre taught us a process of "active studying", which I found very "useful." A good student means that he or she focuses in class and while studying, and participates in discussions. A good student should also use their time efficiently. The end affect of being a good student is getting good grades. I feel like I am not a completely good student and can try a bit harder, although I am satisfied with my grades right now. I am a better student than I was yesterday, because I learned how to manage my time efficiently, as I need to study for finals as well as not sleeping too late. I also have built on my previous biology knowledge. I tried to do the things that were easier for me, and I guess it helped a bit in my studying.

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