Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Microscopic Organism Lab

Animal Cell: Skeletal Muscle Tissue
Power: 400
Has strations separting cell chains
Many chains of cells separated with some lines
Eukaryotic, Heterotrophic
Identified: Nucleus, Strations, Muscle Fiber
Plant: Ligustrum
Power: 400
Has many layers of cells of different sizes
The plant leaf is a long strip containing many cells in it
Eukaryotic, Autotrophic
Identified: Chloroplast, Epidermis Cell, Vein

Plant Cell: Spirogyra
Power: 100
Forms long chains
Has a lot of chloroplasts
Eukaryotic, Autotrophic
Identified: Cell Wall, Chloroplast, Cytoplasm

Bacteria Cells: General Shapes
Power: N/A
Extremely small
Not much detail in the cells
Prokaryotic, (Autotrophic or Heterotrophic)
Identified: Coccus, Bacillus, Spirilum

Cyanobacteria (Blue Green Algae)
Power: 400
Made life possible for us
Contains chains of circular cells
Prokaryotic, Autotrophic
Identified: 1 Cell

Power: 400
Large with obvious inside elements
Flagellum is very thin and unnoticeable
Eukaryotic, Autotrophic
Identified: Nucleus, Chloroplast, Flagellum

Power: 100
Many different colors for the cell
Many pseudopods sticking out of the cells
Eukaryotic, Heterotrophic
Identified: Nucleus, Cell Membrane, Pseudopods
In the lab, we took a look at different types of cells, and their components, using a microscope. We found out what was unique for each cell, did some observations on each cell, determined if the cells were eukaryotic or prokaryotic, and autotrophic or heterotrophic. We also identified some different parts of each cell. The autotrophs made their own food. Some of them had chloroplasts and some of them were located inside cells. The heterotrophs obtained energy through other means. None of them had chloroplasts and some had pseudopods to bring in things from outside the cell. The eukaryotes are not extremely ancient, and they all contained nuclei. The prokaryotes were ancient, and were extremely small.

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