Thursday, September 22, 2016

Unit 2 Reflection

    This unit's theme was Miniature Biology. We learned about the properties of water, the structures and the functions of the four main types of macromolecules, and how enzymes work. We demonstrated some of these principles in labs. In the Sweetness Lab, we demonstrated how different structures of carbohydrates lead to different sweetness levels. In the Messing with Enzymes lab, we demonstrated that different factors affected the production of molecules for the enzymes. In the Cheese lab, we demonstrated how different factors affected the curdling speed for the curdling agents.
    In this unit, the information on the four types of macromolecules was hard to memorize, but the rest was pretty straight forward. We discussed and made a shared agreement about how we were going to treat each other. We agreed that we would be engaged and focused, give respect, and not give negative consequences for mistakes. I developed a more cooperative personality with my new table group. 
    From this unit, I experienced how to be more helpful in a group while working on an experiment. I am better than I was yesterday in that I know different factors that impact different things. I'd like to learn more detail about the macromolecules, such as each of the 20 different types of amino acids. I do not have any unanswered questions. I wonder about how learning about this will impact my life.

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