Thursday, September 1, 2016

Jean Lab

    In this lab we asked the question,"What concentration of bleach is best to fade the color out of new denim material in 10 minutes without visible damage to the fabric?" We found that the 50 percent bleach was the best at doing this job. It was the highest concentration of bleach where the curling of the fabric was not obvious. It had the highest amount of color removal out of those without fabric damage, with an average color removal of 4. This data supports our claim because we used the scientific method to devise an hypothesis and test it with an experiment.
    While our hypothesis was supported by our data, there could have been errors due to the timing, since the squares of jeans were not all exactly soaked for one minute. This may have lead to incorrect color removal amount or visible damage. Another error might have been that the water that was used may have been contaminated with bleach or other things could have altered the final results. Also, the  bleach might not have been evenly distributed through the mixture. Due to these errors, in future experiments I would recommend an exact timer and pure water.
    This lab was done to demonstrate how some bleach concentrations can have better results than others. From this lab I learned that you can not only concentrate on just one aspect of the result, such as color removal, but all of the aspects, to decide which is the best. This helps me understand the concept of the scientific method, as I went through its process. Based on my experience from this lab, I can have a better sense of what is good next time I try something similar.

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