Monday, February 13, 2017

20 Time Project with Java Post 1

    20% Time is one-fifth of your class time dedicated to following your passions and doing what you want to do. I allows students to explore themselves and make a project to demonstrate their skills. The essential question that I have asked is, "How can you use Java to make complex programs?" I chose my 20 Time project to be on learning some Java each session, and making a project using all that I learned.I chose this because I do not think I learned much in the AP CS class I took last year, and I would like to broaden my coding skills. My project will answer the essential question by creating some type of complex program. My goals are to learn more Java and be able to use those concepts in making something. I will measure myself on this project by seeing how much of the stuff I can remember. I will also test myself by making a project at the end. My plan moving forward is to learn something, practice something, and/or review something during each 20 Time session.